Securely attached people have mutually supportive relationships. If these signs ring true with you, you might have a vulnerable dark personality. People high in inferiority like to show what high standards they have. You may label them as snobs, but as much as you realize they’re putting on an act, it may be hard to shake the feeling that they really are better than you. The insecure person drops the “humblebrag” far too often. Looking at self-efficacy, the overt narcissists also won the day compared to their more hypersensitive and insecure counterparts.

The faster he can fall in love with someone, the faster he can avoid his problems. To say it another way, there’s nothing right you can do in his eyes. That’s because ultimately he’s responsible for his own insecurities, yet he’s unable to face that fact. In other words, he’ll unload on you and use you as a way to gain sympathy. More than that, he’ll use you as a scapegoat for his own problems; he’s liable to also project his insecurities onto you.

If I talked about guy coworkers in an innocent manner, he questioned my relationship with them. And if I didn’t answer the phone when he called, he immediately accused me of cheating. These accusations came in the form of long text messages telling me how inconsiderate I was and how I didn’t make him feel wanted.

Eventually, he’ll force you to apologize for things that you didn’t do and you’ll need to beg for his forgiveness. From his point of view, it’s always your fault and not his. There’s no scenario in which he takes his share of responsibility and you become free of guilt. Furthermore, he wants you to follow his moral values and adopt his attitudes because he doesn’t think you can take care of yourself. If you recognize this sign, then you should definitely leave him immediately and run for the hills. And even if he liked that shirt when you two first met, now that he’s faced with the threat of other men loving it too, he thinks he has the right to influence the way you dress.

Open communication means you both are comfortable and unafraid to bare your vulnerable side to each other. You must encourage each other to share and discuss your problems and fears mutually. Yes, it may be hard to communicate with an insecure partner, but it is the only way to address the elephant in the room. Besides, if you keep all of that frustration and annoyance bottled up, it will lead to resentment in the relationship, which can quickly make this bad situation worse.

Narcissism Essential Reads

This can pair surprisingly negatively with most men’s need to be dominant. Or how does he feel about his personality and character? Additionally, it’s especially important to note how he reacts when he makes a mistake. To continue with the psychological components, the most insecure men frequently have abandonment issues. Because fear of abandonment arises from an ingrained fear of loss, your partner may bring up the possibility of you abandoning him constantly.

He is already insecure and your criticism will only make him feel that he was right about himself. An insecure man when confronted will try to pin all the blame on you and will try to deviate from his responsibilities and faults. You initially feel flattered that as soon you leave, he’ll send a message telling you how much he wishes you were back with him. We all like to feel needed but this can get annoying fast. You could just be watching funny cat videos but he’ll always be suspicious that you’re keeping some secrets, and you are doing something bad behind his back. But even when you tell him that you love him or try to compliment him, he won’t accept that you mean what you say.

How do you tell if a man is playing games?

If he feels like all you ever do is criticize him or point out his flaws, he’ll start feeling trapped in the relationship. And before long, he will start resenting you and looking for a way out. Making your man feel emotionally safe can mean the difference between a cold, broken relationship and a warm and caring one. Your partner should never explicitly forbid you from wearing something or try to isolate you from your friends and family. There’s also a possibility that he’ll follow you just to make sure you’re not doing anything suspicious behind his back, as he’s certain that you’ll leave him for another guy.

He’ll do everything he can to make you feel guilty for spending your time with anyone besides him. It might start to feel like he’s buying you stuff to make up for something else. The hard part about a dynamic like this is you’re left out of the picture. If you try to bring up your own valid needs and wants, that’s often seen as a personal affront or attack. It makes falling in love with him very hard, and potentially dangerous.

Follow through with the promises you make to him and try to live up to the realistic expectations he has of you. Insecurity is often deeply rooted in past emotional trauma and unmet needs. And it takes time and the right kind of help for a person to be able to break free from the shackles of insecurities. Knowing the root of his insecurity will help you understand why certain things affect him when others don’t.

His answers tell a lot about his suitability as a long-term partner. If you’re a victim of abuse, it is important to identify it, build a support system, and learn how to protect yourself. When she first met Adam, Grace thought that he was just shy and quiet. She had no idea that what she was seeing was severe insecurity.

Once you do start a relationship with him, he’s liable to become very codependent, and desire you to do the same. Unhealthy jealousy will manifest itself in a number of toxic ways. But for an insecure man, there’s probably going to be an ulterior motive, and chances are you’ll catch onto it quick. Because no matter how much validation you give him, it’s like there’s a reset button somewhere that just keeps getting pressed.

Perhaps, the biggest mistake I see women make with insecure guys is one where their hearts are in the right place. It’s the idea, that if you love a man enough, you can be the woman to come along and save him. “With my support behind him, he’ll flourish into the man I know he can be” you think to yourself. The insecure man tends to be smothering, critical, and jealous. He may try to shrink your lifestyle and even pressure you to change the way you dress. The more you alter your lifestyle in response to his insecurity, the worse his insecurity is likely to become.