If his working days are behind him and you’re still focused on a job and all the ambitions, woes, and time demands that come with it, you may struggle to connect at the end of the day. “Often relationships are built on similar life experience, and the difference between daily work and retirement can be quite a marked one,” Lester explains. Maybe you’re dating after a divorce, and you’re a single mom who needs to carve out the time for a love life. A man who’s already been married and raised kids has no carpool schedules to contend with, which can mean he’s got more time to plan amazing dates. When it comes to dating, age is just one among many factors to consider as you seek your match. We bring all of our prior life experience to any relationship we enter, so how much does it matter that one person’s history is years longer than the other’s?

If you’re thinking about taking things with a younger man beyond a casual fling, get an early gauge on whether he can take accountability for his actions. If you just want to date around, hook up and have fun, that’s great. If you want to settle down and have kids with your next partner, that’s great, too. Just get that straight before jumping into the youthful dating pool. In fact, in my opinion, as society evolves, more emphasis is placed on theage rangeinstead of the specific, “You must be older/younger than me” limitations.

The Older-The Better: Top 11 Reasons to Date an Older Partner

I think the “age gaps are predatory” talk is a ridiculous and overplayed generalization. Live your life as if what does it for you is more important than people’s opinions about what does it for you. And there are many many examples of successful modern day age gap relationships. If you’re planning on dating someone older, you’d better make sure you’re mature enough. Older partners tend to have a lower tolerance for younger people with insecurities and emotional issues. Additionally, being at potentially vastly different stages in life may prove jarring in some relationships.


He is a physical miracle snd unbelievable stamina. So don’t assume they all need a pill at that age. Maybe you never planned to have kids and now you’re with an older man who has them. If you’re serious about him, the kids are part of the package, so it will serve your relationship well if you put effort into getting to know them and having a relationship with them. If he starts parading you around like food on a platter, that’s a red flag that he’s not into you because of who you are. You likely want a serious relationship too, but you know you can’t rush it.

He’s Financially Stable

So when entering a relationship with a big age difference, just remember to have thick skin, weigh the pros and cons, and do what you feel is right. Not only do older guys generally prefer to talk in person or on the phone, they skip all the small talk. Instead, most of the time you can expect intellectual conversations and being treated as an equal. This gives you the impression that you can really open up to an older guy and feel like he gets you. Money shouldn’t be the most important thing in a relationship. At least not when you are exploring and having fun, which I mentioned at the beginning of this article.

See how other people think and expand your comfort zone. Only that way you will be certain that you know what you want and that you know what you are looking for. This is extremely important because of marriage.

“What you need to do is to ask yourself what it is that you want out of a relationship and let that be your guide,” psychologist and radio host Dr. Joshua Klapow tells Bustle. If you are ready to understand what your partner is going through, what stage of their life they are in, and where they come from – then half the battle is won. Each time you sense that your partner is reluctant about something, it’s best to look at the situation from their point of view. Since they are older than you, chances are that they will often feel that they have had much more life experience than you.

The “ideal” three-ish-year age gap with men older than women, observed cross-culturally, may reflect its optimal selective fitness. Data have suggested that, regardless of maternal age, infant health is highest (e.g., survival rate) when the age gap is male-older and only slight . In relationships where women are substantially older than their partners, infant health outcomes are not as strong, even compared look at this website to same-age women. These novel data point to the origin of why the age gap is such a robust cross-cultural trend. The negative societal response to age gap relationships may reflect people’s objections to unfair, inequitable relationships. Perhaps observers respond negatively to May-December relationships because they feel as though the older person is taking advantage of the younger person.

There are still ways to make a relationship work if you’re at different stages in your lives. Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds have an 11-year age gap. He’s going to die and have health issues way before you most likely so sounds bad for long term.

Age gap differences are real, and a pollalso stated that a 10-year difference makes it 39% more likely for a divorce. However, what I’m trying to drive across is that your partner is likely to be morerelatableif they are close to your age, and not because he or she is older/younger than you. Anyone who’s ever had an extreme age-gap relationship has experienced the excruciating awkwardness that comes with socialising with each other’s friends or family who don’t approve. One of the most important factors that signal long-term success for couples in age-gap relationships is social approval. ‘When we first got together, the age difference wasn’t a problem,’ says Daniela.

It’s a scientific fact that women mature faster than men, so if you’re a mature young woman who’s going after an older guy, you may be on the same level. On the other hand, if you’re a young guy who’s mature, going after an older woman would be ideal for you, mentally and emotionally. Jealousy takes a backseat.I dated a guy right before my boyfriend who was really … clingy. I’m the kind of girl who looks up to independent women, and I tend to put my girlfriends before dating. He just didn’t get that and wanted to be around every second.

Sleeping with a much older man also has downsides if you’re much younger. He’ll want sex less often and is likely to experience erection problems; drooping testicles and ageing bodies and faces can be a massiveturn-off. Hard, muscly bodies, penises that look pleased to see you within seconds of meeting. Most young men have boundless sexual stamina and a strong desire for sex. There are obvious pros and cons of dating men much younger or older than yourself.

You are an adult, you can date any age above 18 that you please. It’s the character of the individual that matters, not the age. I promise you a high quality 54 year old is way better for you than a low quality 24 year old. I think you being infatuated with “the way” he treats you will probably dissolve overtime.