In fact, research has found that people tend to lie on dating sites. (Ellison, Heino, & Gibbs, 2006; Toma & Ellison, 2008). Your need to be understood and accepted as who you are and the desire to know the other person truthfully means internet dating may not be rewarding for you. Being gifted, intense, and sensitive, you have myriad physical sensitivities and a unique need for a balance between stimulation and restoration.

In the meantime, we can find ourselves becoming exhausted and depleted. We can lift people up with our giving natures, but they can quickly pull us down with their demands. Before you know it, you can feel overwhelmed and saturated. Do you know someone in your personal or professional life who may be highly sensitive? High sensitivity can be defined as acute physical, mental, and emotional responses to external or internal (intra-personal) stimuli. A highly sensitive person may be an introvert, an extrovert, or somewhere in between.

Choose your first movie carefully.

When you feel good about yourself, you will attract people who feel good about themselves too and have the ability to give back. High sensitivity can be defined as acute physical, mental, itsjustlunch and emotional responses to external or internal stimuli. Whether you are a HSP or you want to be dating a HSP, sites for serious dating and relationships can be a good option for you.

Either way, HSPs want to move quickly beyond surface-level chitchat. Come with an open mind and willingness to talk big topics. There is some risk of children with sensory processing sensitivity that leads to overarousal being misdiagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome or high-functioning ASD.

#26. DON’T sweat the small stuff

If you are feeling lonely because you are in a new city, have outgrown your friend group, are single and want to find love, are heartbroken, etc…I hope these words find you with love. While many people may thrive on the excitement of a busy life with hectic schedules, HSPs feel overwhelmed when they have a lot to do in a short amount of time. This means that things are thought through more thoroughly and how it can affect others, with lots of time needed to think about life and how the HSP feels about it. Whilst they can be highly affected by positive emotional experiences, they may also be more deeply affected by negative experiences. Being an HSP can come with both advantages and disadvantages for how it can affect someone’s life. As with any personality trait, there are strengths and challenges that come with being an HSP.

Our empathic nature means we put ourselves in other people’s shoes all the time, usually without even realizing we’re doing it. Again, although there are many positive qualities to being a highly sensitive person, this article focuses on aspects of high sensitivity which adversely affect one’s happiness and well-being. While some highly sensitive individuals are affected by just one or two of the traits above, others may be overstimulated by more on the list. Your highly sensitive person will appreciate you taking the time to understand. Highly sensitive people process things deeply, so they’re usually thinking about the big things in life. That could be as personal as how a friendship is going to work out, or as cosmic as the future of humankind.

Highly Sensitive Person Essential Reads

Over years of research, Aron identified a few common characteristics among highly sensitive people. First published in 1996, this book is based on years of Aron’s research into being a highly sensitive person herself. Isn’t it wonderful to see how many studies have been carried out on highly sensitive people and children over the previous decades. This helps us highly sensitive people to cope knowing that there’s many of us. These are clearly highly sensitive people and the discovery of the “Orchid Child” shows how common we are. Today we are talking about loneliness — one of the most vulnerable and strong emotions I think exist.

I have discovered this in my own relationship, but also heard it from other HSP friends who are dating. It can be a true challenge to feel the emotions of your partner when he or she is not ready to process or express them yet. After reminiscing about my relationship with my fiancé Riny, I felt inspired to write this article. Many gifted adults’ problems not just in relationships but in all facets of their lives can be alleviated by relinquishing the need for control.

If you date a highly sensitive person, this won’t be a problem. In fact, you’ll likely rate higher in an HSP’s eyes if you have pets in your life. HSPs love animals and enjoy being in their presence. They usually have pets themselves and are always ready to open their hearts to any member of the animal kingdom. While enjoying one’s own company is healthy, if you’re dating a HSP you may feel as if your partner is not as interested in the relationship. Try to talk to them about this and express how you feel.

If you want a relationship, don’t date someone who just wants casual sex. Saying no and possibly hurting another person, can hurt the sensitive person just as much as being rejected. Highly sensitive people are active listeners, which means they’ll ask the right questions and draw the proper conclusions from what you tell them. Even though most HSPs are Introverts, they are still fun to converse with because they listen so well and respond so effectively and appropriately.